Current Situation of Employability and Strategies to Improve the Employability of Thai Language Majors in Chinese University-Take Yuxi Normal University as an Example

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Current Situation of Employability and Strategies to Improve the Employability of Thai Language Majors in Chinese University-Take Yuxi Normal University as an Example

Song Shiwen

Dr. Zhang Li

Master of Business Administration

Education Management

บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School)

Academic year:
2566 (2023)

The 6th STIU International Conference “Innovative Leadership for Sustainable Development” on 10-11 May 2022, pp.416-423


This paper study the concept of the employability of students in majoring Thai language and analyzes the current situation of employability. And three objects were discussed in paper: 1) To establish the employability model of students majoring in Thai language. 2) To analyze the current employment status of Thai language major students to find out the current situation of their employability. 3) To propose some policies to improve the employability of Thai language majors.

Taking quantitative research methods as the research methodology. Through item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and test of reliability and validity, there are three findings: 1) established an employability model for students majoring in Thai which includes four dimensions: professional theories and skills, professionalism, personality traits, and international perspective. 2) This paper investigated the current employment status of students majoring Thai Using this model, the results show the overall employability of students majoring in Thai is at a medium level. All the students can be divided into five potential categories: “backward”, “excellent”, “potential”, “utilitarian”, and “balanced” types. 3) Output suggesting enhancing the employability of Thai language majors, universities should focus on the teachers and students as the main role, based on classroom teaching, to carry out first-class teaching and cultivate students’ awareness of participation in scientific research and innovation.

Keywords: employability, students of Thai language major, employability model

Current Situation of Employability and Strategies to Improve the Employability of Thai Language Majors in Chinese University-Take Yuxi Normal University as an Example

6317195463 Song Shiwen (2023) Advisor: Dr. Zhang Li,  Current Situation of Employability and Strategies to Improve the Employability of Thai Language Majors in Chinese University-Take Yuxi Normal University as an Example สารนิพนธ์ (Independent Study), ปริญญาโท (Master’s Degree), บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School), Master of Business Administration, Education Management, Bangkok: Siam University

Academic Year 2023, Graduate School 2023, IMBA, IMBA 2023, Independent Study, Independent Study 2023, Master of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (International Program) 2023, Master of Business Administration 2023, ปริญญาโท (Master’s Degree), บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School), Master of Business Administration,Education Management

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