Effective pre-purchase process strategies for improving online sales of antiaging skin care products

Last modified: January 26, 2020
Estimated reading time: 1 min
Project Title: Effective pre-purchase process strategies for improving online sales of antiaging skin care products
Author: Mr.Navneet Thakur
Advisor: Dr.Tanakorn Limsarun
Degree: International Master in Business Administration
Major: General Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2018


Thakur, Navneet. (2018). Effective pre-purchase process strategies for improving online sales of antiaging skin care products. (Independent study). Bangkok: Siam University.


With advancement in skin care technology and emergence of negative notions related to aging, use of anti-aging products has become inevitable taking the antiaging industry growth and potential to new highs. Advent of ecommerce, most businesses today urge to move towards online platforms which are much more cost efficient and easily accessible to the users. Online businesses with its plus sides also has some challenges relating to user trust and inability of the user to get  real time feel of the product to make a purchase decision. This has led to study of designing the pre-purchase experience of the user, which ultimately would translate into purchase decision. Many website factors including; putting positive first impression on the user, development of trust on website along with visual and functional aspects of website, and product factors including; searchability, appeal, attributes, sales promotions and cost and policies related to products effect the purchase intention of the user. This positive purchase intention ultimately translates into purchase which ultimately results in increased sales. Antiaging online businesses can now formulate an effective successful sales strategy from the framework established at the end of study and make this pre-purchase process strategy part of the overall strategy for sales improvement. Recommendation for implementation of this study on executive, managerial and functional level along with practical recommendations for other businesses and industries have also been given in this study.


Keywords:  Online Sales, Skin Care, Pre-purchase, Antiaging Products.

Effective pre-purchase process strategies for improving online sales of antiaging skin care products

International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand  

Effective pre-purchase process strategies for improving online sales of antiaging skin care products

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