Eggshells chalk

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Project Title  :  Eggshells chalk
By                   :  Thanistha Peukmuang, Ms.Nantinee Thongon
Advisor          :  Ms.Nantinee Thongon
Degree           :  Bechelor of Arts in Hotel Studies
Major             :  Hotel Studies
Faculty          :  Liberal Arts
Semester / Academic year   :  1 /2016


Banyan Tree Hotel is the five stars Hotel locates in the middle Bangkok, Sathon Area, closes to many Department Stores, BTS and MRT. One of Hotel’s restaurant “Vertigo and Moon Bar” is world famous restaurant ranking the 12th World Restuarants with 360 degree beautiful bird eyeview. The Hotel emphasize most about clean and sanitary for every restaurants and kitchen sections, daily checking fresh food to maintain fresh and protect rotten before preparing to serve customers. Theref ore, Researcher has the opinion to make the product which reducing chemical material in the kitchen and restaurant by using abundant material to make reused and new materials. The herbal eggshell chalk is prepared by the Researcher to prevent ant and cockroach which are most hotel’s problems and annoying to people. These two insects can live every dirty and having food scraps places, many methods have founded to get rid them and most popular way is to use chemical products. Using chemical products can make chemical contaminated in food be dangerous to consumers including being destroy the Hotel famous name. For this point of view, this research is having purpose to reduce using chemical materials within the hotel and to decrease the air pollution by using herbal materials instead of chemical materials. Researcher has collected the information by using questioniar with the people within the hotel by sample randomed with 5 people of cold kitchen section. Result of this analyze and information about herbal eggshell chalk making more safety to people and environment than using chemical products. It can be ensured that this herbal eggshell chalk having efficiency in some level that the ant do not walk across the chalk lines and stay in circle cannot find out the exit from the circle. The researcher agrees to choose herbal eggshell chalk which is normally less smell and adding strong smell kaffir lime leaf. The cockroach do not like the smell and stay away for chalk line area so this herbal eggshell chalk can certainly prevent ant and cockroach without using chemical products which are dangerous to people health.


Keywords:  Eggshells

Eggshells chalk

Faculty of Liberal Arts, Siam University, Thailand
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