Gamification as Management Support System: Can Gamification Contribute to Management Success?

Last modified: August 5, 2023
Estimated reading time: 1 min
Project Title: Gamification as Management Support System: Can Gamification Contribute to Management Success?
Author: Miss Tatjana Sigulla
Advisor: Dr. Tanakorn Limsarun
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: International of Business Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2022


The 15th National and International Academic Conference “Creating Shared-Value and Innovation for Sustainability” 18-20 January 2023


Sigulla, Tatjana. (2022). Gamification as management support system: Can gamification contribute to management success? (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Siam University.


Gamification is seen as a new instrument to increase the motivation of people in terms of learning experiences. Gamification is described as the transfer of typical gaming elements into non-game environments. This thesis answered the question of whether gamification can be applied as a supporting method for developing new aspects of working processes within business management. In particular, the effects resulting in the use of gamification aspects were examined. The results presented in this thesis showed, gamification had a positive effect on management and can be used as a tool for management supporting system. In the present, studies implicate the impact gamification had on the activities of management and business-related processes. These studies acknowledged the conclusion that the integration of elements in business and management related terms had a positive effect. Theoretically, it is possible to prepare management support systems in an exciting and learning way. Especially when game-based elements are integrated for evolving aspects of affection and personal interests. However, it is important to connect these aspects in a sounded and professional way to increase the outcome of positive side effects in terms of management related education. The duration of professional organized events may be longer or may even be absent. The results of this work confirmed that gamification supports corporate management in all five categories and can be used as a tool for management support systems. The findings of this study and its limitations point to the requirement of further research.

Keywords: gamification, decision making, leadership, knowledge management.

Gamification as Management Support System: Can Gamification Contribute to Management Success?

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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