Study on the Learning Effects of Task-driven Teaching Method in the “Nonlinear Editing” Course in Higher Vocational Colleges——Take Quanzhou Light Industry Vocational Colleges

Last modified: February 8, 2024
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Study on the Learning Effects of Task-driven Teaching Method in the “Nonlinear Editing” Course in Higher Vocational Colleges——Take Quanzhou Light Industry Vocational Colleges

Hong Yarong

Prof. Dr. Li Chunyou

International Business Management

Master of Business Administration

บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School)

Academic year:
2566 (2023)

NThe 14th National and International Academic Conference “Empowering Innovtion and Sustainability in the Next Normal” 27 November 2021 pp.1451-1462 PDF  


This paper takes Quanzhou Light Industry College as an example to study the current situation of the implementation of the “Nonlinear Editing” course in higher vocational colleges, and proposes two research purposes: 1) To analyze the current situation of Nonlinear Editing course in higher vocational colleges; 2) To explore the learning effects of the task-driven teaching method of the “Nonlinear editing” course. This paper adopts qualitative research method, and the research subjects are 20 students in the digital media art design major of Quanzhou Light Industry Vocational College.

The research found that: 1) There are four main problems in the “Nonlinear Editing” course in higher vocational colleges: unreasonable task design; teachers lack guidance awareness; higher vocational students lack rule awareness; task evaluation lacks comprehensiveness and timeliness. 2) Based on the attribution analysis of the problem, combined with students’ academic situation and course characteristics, To explore the learning effects of the task-teaching method of the “nonlinear editing” course.: 1. The application of task-driven teaching method can stimulate students’ learning Interest; 2. The application of task-driven teaching method can improve students’ professional skills; 3. The application of task-driven teaching method can cultivate students’ comprehensive literacy ability; 4. The application of task-driven teaching method can promote the development of teachers’ professional abilities.

Keywords: higher vocational colleges, task-driven teaching method, “Nonlinear Editing” course, learning effects

Study on the Learning Effects of Task-driven Teaching Method in the “Nonlinear Editing” Course in Higher Vocational Colleges——Take Quanzhou Light Industry Vocational Colleges

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