Implementing Marketing Strategy to Increase Customers at Sowa Healthcare

Last modified: September 5, 2023
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Project Title: Implementing Marketing Strategy to Increase Customers at Sowa Healthcare
Author: Rojen Narsingh Shakya
Advisor: Mr. Bikash Dhakal
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2022


Shakya, Rojen Narsingh. (2022). Implementing marketing strategy to increase customers at Sowa Healthcare. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This report summarizes my 16-week internship at the marketing department of Sowa Healthcare which is an advanced polyclinic in Ekantakuna, Nepal from February 1 2023 to May 31, 2023. During the internship, I worked closely with the marketing team and was involved in various activities related to market research, analysis, and digital marketing. This report provides an overview of my experiences and key learnings during the internship.

All duties and responsibilities assigned during cooperative education are explained in detail in this study. Working rigorously for the organization has taught me to be more responsible and have time management skills. This practical cooperative education program also helped me to understand the activities and procedures of different functions relating to approaching various people.

The cooperative education report entitled “Implementing marketing strategy to increase potential customers at Sowa Healthcare: Building Customer Relationship” aims to describe the working experience of different tasks carried out as a co-op student. The job is based on setting up a strategy to find new prospects and sales.

The report focuses on how to attract our customers to reach our healthcare clinic. The marketing of Sowa Healthcare consists of various tasks which revolve around it. This cooperative education report contains the working experience of different tasks carried out as a marketing intern.

Working as an intern, my main duty performed was to analyze the approaches that help create better marketing for this industry, analysis of the competitors, social media marketing, content marketing, and promotion of Sowa Healthcare, and work at flow to understand and interact with people.

All duties and responsibilities assigned during cooperative education are explained in detail in this study. Problems faced were solved with the alternatives from my supervisor. Working rigorously for the industry has taught me to be more responsible and have management skills. This practical cooperative education program also helped me to understand the activities and procedures of different functions relating to approaching various people, creating content, and analyzing the market type.

Keywords:  Marketing Strategy, Customer Relationship, Analyzing.

Implementing Marketing Strategy to Increase Customers at Sowa Healthcare

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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