Learning brand marketing at Gorkha Brewery

Last modified: July 20, 2021
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Project Title: Learning brand marketing at Gorkha Brewery
Author: Ms. Medha Shrestha
Advisor: Dr. Yutthana Srisavat
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2017


Shrestha, Medha. (2017). Learning brand marketing at Gorkha Brewery. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This internship is conducted at Gorkha Brewery Pvt. Ltd., which is a part of Carlsberg Group and one of the largest single foreign investment in Nepal. Main objective of this study is to understand the corporate working environment and apply marketing concepts and theories learnt in class to real corporate decision making and work. To meet and learn from professionals who can supervise and mentor by providing guidance, feedback and support during the learning period of internship. To make network of professional relationships and contact. To develop work ethics and professional conduct. To achieve the objectives with concrete outcomes, this study is designed as an internship project.

Keywords:  Brand, Marketing, Brewery.

Learning brand marketing at Gorkha Brewery

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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