Marketing Prospect of Thai Durian in the Chinese Market – Research and Development of New Type of Durian Degreased Perfume

Last modified: March 28, 2023
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Project Title: Marketing Prospect of Thai Durian in the Chinese Market – Research and Development of New Type of Durian Degreased Perfume
Author: Yuan Xumei
Advisor: Associate Professor Dr. Qiu Chao
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: International Business Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2022
Journal of Wisdom Political Science
Journal of Wisdom Political Science and Multidisciplinary Sciences, Vol. 6 Issue 1, January – February 2023


Yuan, Xumei. (2022). A survey on job satisfaction of high-level talent in application-oriented general undergraduate colleges and universities: A case study of Pingdingshan College. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Siam University.


With Thailand’s export of dried durian, this paper analyzed the prospects of Thailand’s new dried durian de-greased perfume in the Chinese market. The research method utilized a literature review and found that high demand for Thai durian in the Chinese market exists, and the new Thai dried durian de-greased perfume has a promising outlook. Maintaining product quality is crucial for export trade and maintaining the product’s high reputation. Policies and stable exchange rates between the countries are also essential to improve the competitiveness of the export products, such as taking full advantage of the China-ASEAN free trade agreement. Diversified product offerings also improve market awareness, establish brands, and cultivate brand loyalty. Finally, effective promotion strategies and high-quality products should be paired with efficient marketing methods to increase awareness of the new dried durian de-greased perfume.

Keywords: Thai durian, Chinese market, durian degreased perfume, export trade.

Marketing Prospect of Thai Durian in the Chinese Market – Research and Development of New Type of Durian Degreased Perfume

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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