Operation Mode Analysis and Economic Analysis Research of Tianjin 8MW Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation Project

Last modified: March 18, 2023
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Project Title: Operation Mode Analysis and Economic Analysis Research of Tianjin 8MW Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation Project
Author: Mr. Wang Jibin
Advisor: Associate Professor Dr. Qiu Chao
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: Marketing Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2022
Journal of Buddhist Education and Research, Vol.9 No.3 September – December 2023


Wang, Jibin. (2022). Operation mode analysis and economic analysis research of Tianjin 8MW Distributed Photovoltaic power generation project. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Siam University.


China’s distributed photovoltaic power generation projects are still based on the EMC operation cooperation model, and the EPC operation mode is a supplementary pattern. The operation mode choice directly affects the economic analysis results of the distributed photovoltaic power generation project.

This paper collected a large amount of information on photovoltaic projects. It combined its own work experience to conduct an in-depth analysis of the operation mode and economic analysis methods of photovoltaic projects and form recommendations for selecting an operation mode of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects. New ideas for economic analysis of power generation projects and an economic analysis model for comparison and selection of operating mode income distribution options were established. This research used Tianjin 8MW
distributed photovoltaic power generation project as an example. Based on the analysis of various primary conditions in the examples, specific project operation mode selection and detailed multi-scheme economic analysis comparisons were carried out, which proved that the optimized economic analysis model effectively helped distributed photovoltaic power generation projects choose the best operation mode.

Keywords: distributed photovoltaic, operating model, economic analysis, financial NPV method.

Operation Mode Analysis and Economic Analysis Research of Tianjin 8MW Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation Project

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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