Personal loan handling document manual and personal loan information Project for Government Saving Bank

Last modified: September 11, 2018
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Project Title  :  Personal loan handling document manual and personal loan information Project for Government Saving Bank
By                   :  Sudaporn Kaewkrajang, Nusara Suksopon, Dr.Kwanjai Aunahawattanapaibul
Advisor          :  Dr.Kwanjai Aunahawattanapaibul
Degree           :  Bachelor of  Business Administration
Major             :  General Management
Faculty          :  Business Administration
Semester / Academic year   :  3 /2016


Government  Savings  Bank, akamai  gateway  branch,  is  a  commercial  bank that provide bank  and investor  services.  The  bank faces  time  inefficient problem  and the client have confusion on baking documents. The author is interested in creating a manual about personal loan for the branch. The first assignment was to study on how to  write  a  manual  The manual  consist  of  cover,  introduction,  index,  content,  and bibliography. The author wrote a personal loan manual based on the found information and  create  a compact manual  for  customers  to  quickly  understand  a  personal  loan  in details. The documents cover various and necessary informationfor customers to avoid confusion  and  misunderstanding.  The  manual  was  successfully  published  as  a reference for customers’ consideration.

Keywords: investor, Government Savings Bank, personal loan for the branch

Personal loan handling document manual and personal loan information Project for Government Saving Bank

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Thailand

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