Sales Executive Practices at Paree and Abeer Enterprises: Focusing Deal with the Aim of Maximum Profit

Last modified: June 17, 2023
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Project Title: Sales Executive practices at Paree and Abeer Enterprises: Focusing deal with the aim of maximum profit
Author: Mr. Aditya kumar Narsariya
Advisor: Dr. Parham Porouhan, PhD
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2022


Kumar Narsariya, Aditya. (2022). Sales executive practices at Paree and Abeer Enterprises: Focusing deal with the aim of maximum profit. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University.


This cooperative entitled ‘sales executive practices at Paree and Abeer Enterprises: Focusing deal with the aim of maximum profit’. The company where I interned was Paree and Abeer Enterprise, which is one of Kathmandu’s most reputable and one of the best stationary products suppliers. Our company’s mission statement is to provide all types of stationary products at a reasonable price. Objectives of the study includes: (1) The primary objective of a co-op study report is to document the experience during the program. This includes detailing the tasks, projects, and responsibilities assigned, as well as the skills and knowledge gained during the program. (2) To reflect on the learning experience and identify areas for improvement. This can help to develop a deeper understanding of the field and the skills necessary for success. (3) To demonstrate the applied theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world scenarios. This can help illustrate the relevance of the academic coursework to the future career. (4) To provide valuable feedback to the co-op program, highlighting areas for improvement and identifying best practices that can be shared. Also, I used swot analysis came to know that one of the main challenges faced by the company is that their products are still not completely able to match the quality level standard set in the market. As a student of Business Management with Marketing as my major, I opted under the department of Sales Department.This report incorporates all the insights that I have gained in the period of sixteen weeks. Working and cooperating with my supervisor and executives, I learnt to approach and address everybody keeping the important things in mind. I learnt how organization does the B2B sales work i.e. promoting the brand to the professionals and how good sales team is beneficial for the company.As a sales intern at Paree and Abeer Enterprises under Marketing department, I had the opportunity to contribute to various sales trips and gain hands-on experience. During my internship, I assisted in developing and identified target audiences, gift plans to the targeted customers, brand plan, projection for new products. I have also done research to identify competitors in the Stationary industry and collaborated with team members to tackle our competitors plan marketing to promote our product to various schools and colleges as well. Through my internship, I gained valuable skills in sales strategy as how can we improve the ongoing strategies for the company. Overall, my experience at Paree and Abeer Enterprises was invaluable in preparing me for a career in marketing in the stationary industry.

Keywords:  Customer Relationship Management, product details, Diversification, Sales.

Sales Executive Practices at Paree and Abeer Enterprises: Focusing Deal with the Aim of Maximum Profit

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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