Study on Impact of Enterprise Industry Finance Integration on Performance in the Context of Digital Transformation — Take State Grid Corporation of China as Example

Last modified: October 1, 2023
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Title: Study on Impact of Enterprise Industry Finance Integration on Performance in the Context of Digital Transformation — Take State Grid Corporation of China as Example
Author: Liu TianXiao
Advisor: Dr. Zhang Li
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: International Business Management
Faculty: Graduate School
Academic year: 2566 (2023)


The 15th National and International Academic Conference “Creating Shared-Value and Innovation for Sustainability” 18-20 January 2023, pp.1171-1181


Traditional financial management has been unable to adapt to the development of modern enterprises, the key is to realize the integration of financial and intelligence, which is also an important development trend of enterprise management today.Hence, the study was concluded with four objectives: 1)To clarify the mechanism that affects the performance of state-owned enterprises at the strategic level has a significant impact.2)To confirm that from the financial perspective, the impact mechanism on the performance of state-owned enterprises has been significantly affected.3)To analyze the technical level has a significant impact on the performance of state-owned enterprises.4)To prove that the management-level analysis of the mechanism that affects the performance of state-owned enterprises has a significant impact.

This study focuses on the analysis of the impact of enterprise financial integration of State Grid Corporation on performance in the context of digital transformation,and based on domestic and foreign literature,the path of domestic financial integration and the factors that may affect financial performance were sorted out,and a theoretical framework was proposed.This academic research mainly focuses on capital preservation theory,value management theory, and principal-agent theory.The population and sample for this study is total of 306 questionnaires were collected in this survey, with an effective rate of 97%. Starting from the mechanism perspective of State Grid Corporation of China (independent variable), it analyzes the impact of four variables: 1) strategy; 2) finance; 3) technology; 4) management;) to verify whether it has an impact on the performance of state-owned enterprises (dependent variable).Conclusion:The proposed model and assumptions are significantly positively correlated, that is, the four assumptions of the design are all valid, which proves that the four aspects of strategy, finance, technology, and management have indeed had a positive impact on the performance of state-owned enterprises, and to enable the State Grid Corporation to achieve greater benefits in development. Based on this research, it will have certain enlightenment significance for clarifying the future research and development trend of the integration of industry and finance in my country’s enterprises in the future.

Keywords: industry finance integration,financial performance, enterprise performance impact

Study on Impact of Enterprise Industry Finance Integration on Performance in the Context of Digital Transformation — Take State Grid Corporation of China as Example

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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