Study on the Moral Education in the Management of Kindergarten Teachers-Taking 16 private kindergartens in Xixiangtang, Nanning, Guangxi as an example

Last modified: February 10, 2024
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Study on the Moral Education in the Management of Kindergarten Teachers-Taking 16 private kindergartens in Xixiangtang, Nanning, Guangxi as an example

Li Huiyun

ดร.จิดาภา ชลธารรัตนพงศ์ – Dr. Jidapa Chollathanrattanapong

International Business Management

Master of Business Administration

บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School)

Academic year:
2566 (2023)

The 15th National and International Academic Conference “Creating Shared-Value and Innovation for Sustainability” 18-20 January 2023 pp.1583-1592   PDF


Summary: This paper aims to study the influencing factors of teachers’ professional ethics management in 16 private kindergartens in Guangxi. The research objectives were: 1) To analyze the current situation of teachers’ moral education management in 16 private kindergartens in Guangxi; 2) To put forward suggestions for improving teachers’ moral management in Guangxi.

This paper adopted qualitative research method and through literature review, identifies 12 questions under four keyword settings, interviews 16 kindergarten teachers and 8 managers, and draws corresponding conclusions. This paper found that: 1) The construction of teachers’ ethics and legal system is not sound enough; The kindergarten’s own teacher ethics construction and management system are unscientific; Kindergarten teachers are not sufficiently involved in the construction of teacher ethics and other issues, and analyze the causes; 2) Improving teachers’ moral education mainly involves four aspects: Firstly, establish a “caring” relationship so that the person being cared for feels cared for and satisfied; Secondly, innovate the teacher ethics evaluation system and regard the teacher evaluation process as a “dialogue” process; Thirdly, pay attention to teachers’ professional needs and improve teachers’ professional capabilities; and Forty, care for teachers’ physical and mental health, respect teachers, and give teachers more autonomy.

Keywords: Care theory, professional ethics, teacher management, private kindergarten.

Study on the Moral Education in the Management of Kindergarten Teachers-Taking 16 private kindergartens in Xixiangtang, Nanning, Guangxi as an example

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