The Learning Effects of Task-driven Method in Computer Teaching Practice in Higher Vocational college-taking Nanjing Business College as an Example

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The Learning Effects of Task-driven Method in Computer Teaching Practice in Higher Vocational college-taking Nanjing Business College as an Example

Ni Weiguo

Dr. Jidapa Chollathanrattanapong

Master of Business Administration

Education Management

บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School)

Academic year:
2566 (2023)

conference   proceedings  PDF
The 7th STIU International Conference “Leadership & Social Sustainability in the Tech-Driven Era” on 19-21 August 2023 SECTION-6 (pp.931-939)


With the rapid development of information technology, computer teaching in higher vocational colleges is encountering both new challenges and opportunities. The traditional teaching approach, primarily centered on knowledge transmission, is progressively falling short of meeting the students’ actual needs. In response, novel teaching strategies, such as task-driven methods, have gained significant attention in the practical implementation of computer teaching in higher vocational colleges.

The objectives of this study were as follows: 1) To analyze the current state of computer teaching at Nanjing Business College. 2) To investigate the learning outcomes of the task-driven method in computer teaching at higher vocational colleges.

This paper adopts a qualitative research approach. Through a literature review, it summarizes the relevant theoretical aspects of the task-driven method. It reviews the learning outcomes of the task-driven method in higher vocational computer teaching both domestically and internationally. By employing observation and interview methods, it conducts an empirical case study involving ten computer teachers at Nanjing Business College, collecting feedback from these teachers. The study aims to explore the learning outcomes of the task-driven method in higher vocational computer teaching, ultimately validating the effectiveness of employing the task-driven method to enhance the learning outcomes in computer teaching.

This paper found that 1) The computer teaching of Nanjing Business College is  lack of motivation for learning, weak practical ability, weak sense of teamwork, and teachers’ traditional teaching methods. 2) Task-driven method in higher vocational computer teaching, can improve the learning effect of higher vocational computer teaching, stimulate students ‘interest in learning and initiative, cultivate the students’ problem solving ability, promote cooperative learning and interactive learning, promote the innovation of teachers’ teaching methods, so as to promote the effectiveness of higher vocational computer teaching. Task-driven method has broad application prospect in computer teaching in higher vocational colleges, and is worth further research and promotion by educators and administrators.

Keywords: task-driven method, higher vocational computer teaching, teaching effect

The Learning Effects of Task-driven Method in Computer Teaching Practice in Higher Vocational college-taking Nanjing Business College as an Example

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