The Model of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study in the Sportswear Industry

Last modified: July 26, 2019
Estimated reading time: 1 min
Project Title: The Model of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study in the Sportswear Industry
Author: Ms. Tytti Alho
Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr.Om Huvanand
Degree: Master in Business Administration (International Program)
Major: International Business Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2018


Alho, Tytti. (2018). The Model of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study in the Sportswear Industry. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a topic that companies cannot ignore. Consumers as well as employees are more and more interested about CSR. They want to make purchases from companies that are socially and environmentally responsible and they want to work in a company that pays attention to CSR.

The aim of this thesis is to find out if the case companies are fulfilling CSR responsibilities what consumers expect them to fulfill. This thesis uses two existing CSR models: the Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility (Carroll, 1999) and the DNA Model of CSR 2.0 (Visser, 2012) to investigate how chosen case companies in the sportswear industry take in to account CSR. The thesis also investigates if the CSR activities of these companies are in line what consumers are expecting from companies to do regarding CSR.

The case companies are analyzed based on the two CSR models and a consumer survey is conducted to gain knowledge about consumers expectations towards companies CSR responsibilities.

The results were positive. Companies follow the two CSR models in their strategy and the CSR activities companies do are in line what consumers are expecting form companies.

Based on the two CSR models used in this thesis a new CSR model “The New Pyramid of CSR” was created. It aims to fill the gaps that were found when using the two other CSR models.


Keywords:  corporate social responsibility, CSR, the Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility, the DNA Model of CSR.

The Model of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study in the Sportswear Industry

International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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