The Procedure for Structural Design Riverbank

Last modified: August 18, 2022
Estimated reading time: 1 min

Project Title  :  The Procedure for Structural Design Riverbank
By                   :  Phirapong Yaemprayun, Asst. Prof. Dr.Thrithos Kamsuwan
Advisor          :  Asst. Prof. Dr.Thrithos Kamsuwan
Degree           :  Bachelor of Engineering
Major             :  Civil Engineering
Faculty          :  Engineering
Semester / Academic year   :  3 /2016


Generally the main purpose of construction companies is to deliver the project within the scope of time cost and quality within their environment. Therefore, significant input factors consisting of man money material machine and other resources are considered to manage with technique and method in order to complete the project successfully. Moreover, the larger project has more complicate and complexity. Generally, the construction project t is often leads to many problems that can be solved by managing the resources. Thus, researcher has participated and found the project problems. Then, company with research has introduced software in Microsoft Project as management application to help manage the construction project. The software is uncomplicated and there is capability to use in overall the construction project. As a result, the company enables to reduce a number of problems and can handle the larger construction projects. In addition, it create image of company and led to the development of the company growth.


Keywords:  Construction Project, Problems, Microsoft Project.

The Procedure for Structural Design Riverbank

Faculty of Engineering, Siam University, Thailand

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