The Way to Improve Efficiency and Mutual Trust by Transforming to Remote Work

Last modified: September 28, 2023
Estimated reading time: 1 min
Project Title: The Way to Improve Efficiency and Mutual Trust by Transforming to Remote Work
Author: Mr. Hou Rong
Advisor: Dr. Tanakorn Limsarun
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: International of Business Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2022


Conference Proceedings
The 15th National and International Academic Conference “Creating Shared-Value and Innovation for Sustainability” 18-20 January 2023


Hou, Rong. (2022). The way to improve efficiency and mutual trust by transforming to remote work. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Siam University.


With information and communication technologies (ICTs) becoming a standard and highspeed internet more readily available, remote work (teleworking, telecommuBng, distributed work, or flexible work arrangements) has become commonplace in the corporate world. The global impact of COVID-19 in early 2020 compelled employees worldwide to self-isolate and implement work-from-home as an alternative. The new work model has benefits for the business and the employees in many aspects, and the adoption rate of this model has faced many drawbacks. The study will illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of this new work model. The focus was on work producBvity and mutual trust because these are the two most important factors concerning corporations when implemenBng the new model. Once the data was collected and analyzed from previous studies, it could be assumed that mutual trust and how could significantly impact colleague relationships and job producBvity for the remote work model. In the past, only a few researchers focused on the role of mutual trust in maintaining good relationships and fostering higher productivity in a remote working team and how to develop it in the workplace. The research provides an in-depth study of previous articles for reference and data for their posiBve correlations between remote work teams and trust. Based on the current situaBon, this study offers new suggestions for achieving higher efficiency and mutual trust under a remote working model for companies and individuals. Furthermore, this research can guide the firm to establish a mutual trust connection in remote work teams.

Keywords: remote work, work efficiency, mutual trust.

The Way to Improve Efficiency and Mutual Trust by Transforming to Remote Work

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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