An analysis of competitiveness of Thai rice export

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Project Title: An analysis of competitiveness of Thai rice export
Author: Ms. Ma Jiacheng
Advisor: Doctor Chai Thanichanun
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: International Master of Business Administration
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2017


Ma, Jiacheng. (2017). An analysis of competitiveness of Thai rice export. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.


Thailand is the world’s largest rice producer and exporter since the 1960 s, Thailand has been occupying the position of the world’s largest rice exporter. Due to the face that rice is the major agriculture product of Thailand as it’s the staple food for Asian people and Thailand’s main export of agricultural products. Therefore, the study of Thai rice export competitiveness is important to maintain and improve Thai rice.

In view of the present situation of the export competitiveness of Thailand rice is declining, Thailand rice export competitiveness as the research object, using quantitative analysis of comparative advantage of explicit theory, are analyzed by using the year 2004 to 2012 the annual. Lastly is to conclude the basis of export competitiveness analysis, put forward the measure of Thai rice export competitiveness and the suggestions, meanwhile to point out that should avoid the adverse factors.

The findings indicated that Thai’s export is remaining on the competitiveness in the global market to a certain frontier, except the competitors are gradually increased, due to the Thai’s prices is slightly higher than the others, sort of the market share is gradually decline. The export competitiveness at the various threats, including the pledged project policies put forward by the Thai government to export. As the suggest, Thai’s government should cooperate with the local exporters to solve the current situation to maintain the exporting rice position on the global ranking, and how to attaches great importance to the role of government policy, enhancing the added value of the rice, making effective marketing strategy, strengthen the national market and expand new markets.

Keywords:  International Trade; Competitiveness; Comparative Advantage.

An analysis of competitiveness of Thai rice export

International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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