Building Brand Equity: Solution Wizard Services

Last modified: October 20, 2022
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Project Title: Building Brand Equity: Solution Wizard Services
Author: Ashra Gorkhali
Advisor: Dr. Chanatip Suksai
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2019


Gorkhali, Ashra. (2019). Building brand equity: Solution wizard services. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This cooperative report entitled “Building Brand Equity: Solution Wizard Services” has been oriented to investigate the activities performed by solution wizard services being a travel-based company. This report will cover all the experiences that I gathered and also the things that I learned from my job supervisor and other employees during the whole period of my internship.

The main purpose of my internship is to complete my cooperative education for getting a bachelor’s degree in business administration. This internship serves as a practical aspect of all my years that I spent doing theoretical work studies at my college. The responsibilities that I had to take care of during my internship was to identify the possible customers who are willing to go abroad. My duties were to provide document guidelines to the customer informing them about the valid documents that are needed to process the visa. I also had to manage and handle the files carefully and keep the documents confidential. While dealing with the customers I had to respond by answering their queries if there were any and provide them with the relevant information and I also had to keep them updated on their process. I had to be careful while entering the data and filling the form as well as create a cover letter by explaining the purpose of the customers for their visit abroad. The overall internship program helped me to have experience working in a real world by applying all the theoretical knowledge that I have learned to my practical life in the best way possible. This internship has taught me the importance of being punctual, building communication and interaction skills, power of teamwork and so much more. I had faced different problems during the internship period but with the support and guidance of my supervisors as coworkers, it had been really helpful, and it guided me to fulfill my responsibilities in an effective way.

Keywords: Professional skills, Teamwork, Effective Planning, Time Management.

Building Brand Equity: Solution Wizard Services

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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