Develop a widget menu for web application

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Project Title  :  Develop a widget menu for web application
By                   :  Mr.Arthit Kaenarkat, Mr.Natthawut Aromyen, Miss.Thanaporn Rodcheewit
Advisor          :  Miss.Thanaporn Rodcheewit
Degree           :  Bachelor of Science
Major             :  Computer Science
Faculty          :  Science
Semester / Academic year   :  3 /2017


Versatile Haus Co., Ltd. has the concept of developing a web application to help customers the convenience of accessing communication information with the company. This project will help the users to access information faster. There is a system looks similar to this project, but that system is quite small and not working good with accessing communication information. It found that the Widget menu can help users to access information easier and the users can select the contact as they want. The users can also check what contact is the most popular and what contact is the least popular, and then record them to database to help the company to use these data later. The project is based on Sublime Text 3, Visual Studio Code, MySql Server, PHP, and CSS.

Keywords:  Web application, Widget menu, Versatile Haus Company Limited.

Develop a widget menu for web application

Faculty of Science, Siam University, Thailand

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