Digital communication and management of content for online works

Last modified: August 5, 2022
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Project Title: Digital communication and management of content for online works
Author: Ms. Supriya Danuwar
Advisor: Dr. Chanatip Suksai
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Finance and Banking
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2021


Danuwar, Supriya. (2021). Digital communication and management of content for online works. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


The cooperative report entitled “Digital communication and management of content for online works” has the goal to study the importance of digital platforms, communication channels for online works, and content creation performed at Asterisk Digital Pvt. Ltd. The paper is written with the objective to study the online and remote working process in Nepal. Nepal being a developing country, online working opportunities are new and most people lack trust in this working approach, also the lack of trust in the company. Working myself in this online based company has my trust and guarantee that online based companies are worth a try, we get equal work experience as working onsite. Moreover, given the lockdown situation almost all companies worldwide started online working platform. As an undergraduate student of finance and banking, I was given various tasks for content creation related to industry research and preparing journals, ledgers, and drafting reports which included suggestions or strategies for business development and improvement. I was assigned to work in close supervision with the project manager and supervisor of the company. My responsibilities included updating my supervisor on the daily task assigned, writing work progress emails about the assigned task to the supervisor and project manager, completing the assigned task within the given timeframe, industry research and preparing reports, and editing them. After completing the internship, I was able to discover the value of communication methods, and attention to detail learned the management or workflow process at the online working platform which has all been possible with the support and guidance from the supervisor. This report also details all the jobs and responsibilities undertaken, as well as the learning, outcomes, challenges met and solutions, and overall experience obtained during the four month internship period.

Keywords: Digital Marketing, Content Creation, Communication styles.

Digital communication and management of content for online works

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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