Investment Management Practices at Nabil Investment Banking Limited

Last modified: December 27, 2021
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Project Title: Investment Management Practices at Nabil Investment Banking Limited
Author: Saugat Nanda Baidya
Advisor: Aj. Somsak Nontaganok
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Finance and Banking
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2020


Baidya, Saugat Nanda. (2020). Investment management practices at Nabil Investment Banking Limited. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This internship is conducted at Nabil Investment Banking Limited, licensed by Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) as Securities Businessperson (Merchant Banker) which provides financial solutions and advice to individuals and corporate clients worldwide. The company consists of four business divisions: Merchant Banking, Corporate Advisory, Investment Banking and Mutual Funds. Main objective of this study is to investigate the aspects and practice the company has on Investment Management from its Investment Banking division. The following report consists of description of tools and investment management strategies the company uses to invest in the stock market.

Investment strategies those of which were learned throughout the internship period have been included in this report. As most part of the internship was held in the research department, the report also consists of research tasks the intern was part of as well as methodology as to how the research took place and findings have are also explained in this report. Further, the report may presents the reader perspectives about investment management strategies the intern learned over the course of internship as well as the overall experience the intern had on his first internship experience in an investment bank division. The Nepalese stock market is in its early stages such sophisticated investing tools such as derivatives; OTC markets and FOREX have not been introduced such the report pictures only the Nepalese stock market, NEPSE.

Keywords:  Investigate, Description, Strategies.

Investment Management Practices at Nabil Investment Banking Limited

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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