Maximising employees’ work potential at Dangote group of companies limited, Nigeria

Last modified: January 26, 2020
Estimated reading time: 2 min
Project Title: Maximising employees’ work potential at Dangote group of companies limited, Nigeria
Author: Ms. Adangozi Gold Ikwundu
Advisor: Dr. Tanakorn Limsarun
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Human Resource Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2018


Ikwundu, Adangozi Gold. (2018). Maximising employees’ work potential at Dangote group of companies limited, Nigeria. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.


This study investigated how Dangote Group of Companies maximize its employees’ work potential. Five research questions and five hypotheses were drawn from the specific objectives that were posed to guide the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprised of 15,000 employees at Dangote Group of Companies Limited. A sample of 248 that was made up of 102 senior staff members (managing directors, unit supervisors) and 146 management staff members (human resource managers, production managers) was drawn using Taro Yamane’s formula. A structured questionnaire titled “Maximization of Employees Work Potentials Questionnaire” (MEWPQ) was used as an instrument for data collection. The questionnaires were distributed to the respondents with the help of two trained research assistants to ensure that the actual respondents for whom the instruments were meant for responded to them, and to minimize wastage, as well as achieve maximum return rate. Data received through the questionnaires were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions, and t-test to test the hypotheses. An overview of the findings showed that the respondents agreed that Dangote Group of Companies Limited maximizes its employees’ work potential through application of transformational leadership, encouraging organizational culture of discipline and hard work, organizing regular trainings to keep employees abreast of current work skills and abilities, regular rewards for outstanding workers. Also, the result showed no significant difference in the mean scores of responses of senior staff members and management staff members on whether employees’ work potential were maximized, whether leadership affects maximization of employees’ work potential, whether organization culture influences the level at which employee work potential is maximized, whether training and development affect employee performance and work potential and whether reward and incentive influence the extent an employee work potential is maximized. Based on the findings, a conclusion was drawn and the following recommendations were made; companies should adopt effective leadership style, such as transformational leadership, a good organizational culture, periodic qualitative training and development of employees among others so as to fully maximize employees’ work potential.


Keywords: Work potential, transformational leadership, organizational culture, training and development.

Maximising employees’ work potential at Dangote group of companies limited, Nigeria

International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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