Role of digital marketing to create brand promotion at Project A

Last modified: June 13, 2023
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Project Title: Role of digital marketing to create brand promotion at Project A
Author: Ms. Alina Karki
Advisor: Mr. Ashutosh Mishra
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2022


Karki, Alina. (2022). Role of digital marketing to create brand promotion at Project A (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This Cooperative study report titled, “Role of digital marketing to create brand promotion at Project A” focuses on analyzing the role of digital marketing and creating and brand promotions by catering the client’s needs and developing customized campaigns accordingly. This report on cooperative report provides all the information about the work and the details that were learned by the marketing intern in Project A.

The objectives of the study include (1) To analyze the role of digital marketing in today’s context (2) To understand the client’s needs and cater them properly. (3) To apply acquired theoretical knowledge in the workplace. As an intern, I was able to articulate my theoretical knowledge in professional settings and was able to get first-hand experience of how a marketing agency in Nepal works. It also helped me to groom myself as a business professional and sharpen my soft skills and amplify my leadership skills.

The 16 weeks internship program in Project A was a good learning experience for me. It taught me the lesson that any work can be completed with ease if you have a strong determination to work and a strong work ethic. All in all, this report is prepared based on the experience and observations at Project A.

Keywords: Digital Marketing, Marketing Department, Project A, theoretical knowledge.

Role of digital marketing to create brand promotion at Project A

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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