Talent Selection and Evaluation Strategy in Khaanpin Foods and Tours Pvt. Ltd.

Last modified: August 5, 2022
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Project Title: Talent Selection and Evaluation Strategy in Khaanpin Foods and Tours Pvt. Ltd.
Author: Ms. Deepika Kedia
Advisor: Dr. Chanatip Suksai
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Finance and Banking
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2021


Kedia,  Deepika. (2021). Talent selection and evaluation strategy in Khaanpin Foods and Tours Pvt. Ltd. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This Cooperative report entitled “Talent Selection and Evaluation Strategy in Khaanpin Foods and Tours Pvt. Ltd.” Has the goal to study how talent management and review can be performed in the company. The objectives of the internship include (1) To implement strategies and policies in HR Department for better and systematic functioning of the company (2) To create and put into effect performance evaluation approaches in HR Department and (3) To plan strategies for increase employee retention in the company. Khaanpin is a multi-city cloud kitchen-based delivery platform with its range of food, bakery and grocery items. It has 89 employees in Kathmandu whereby 71 employees are from service sector and 18 employees are from corporate sector. Along with that, there are about 25 employees in Pokhara branch. This report documents my experiences, learnings, and limits as an HR Intern in the Human Resource Department of Khaanpin Foods and Tours Pvt. Ltd. throughout my internship. As an HR Intern, I was given a variety of duties that helped me improve my skills in multitasking, inter-intrapersonal communication, receptivity, and adapting to varied situations. Self-learning, research, and constructive comments from my job supervisor and coworkers were found to be effective in resolving challenges encountered throughout the internship.

Keywords: Talent management, requisition, performance management, interview, communication

Talent Selection and Evaluation Strategy in Khaanpin Foods and Tours Pvt. Ltd.

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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