The Crisis Management Strategy of the Food Industry During a Pandemic: A Case Study of Xiwang Food Co., Ltd

Last modified: June 3, 2023
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Project Title: The Crisis Management Strategy of the Food Industry During a Pandemic: A Case Study of Xiwang Food Co., Ltd
Author: Mr. Zhong Gengjun
Advisor: Dr. Tanakorn Limsarun
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: International of Business Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2022


Conference Proceedings
The 15th National and International Academic Conference “Creating Shared-Value and Innovation for Sustainability” 18-20 January 2023


Zhong, Gengjun. (2022). The crisis management strategy of the food industry during a pandemic: A case study of Xiwang Food Co., Ltd. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Siam University.


Business growth is an opEon for many Chinese food enterprises looking to opEmize earnings in light of economic globalizaEon and the development of the Chinese economy. Over Eme, as food enterprises mature, crisis management issues are inevitably faced. The COVID-19 pandemic altered the global food supply chains and markets and unquesEonably presented new difficulEes for Chinese food corporaEons looking to expand during the crisis.

In 2016, Xiwang Food Co., Ltd stated that the company would buy the enEre Canadian Kerr Investment Holding Corp (referred to as ‘Kerr’). The effects of COVID-19 significantly impacted Xiwang Food Co., Ltd’s producEon and product sales operaEons. For example, its performance of Kerr has drasEcally decreased since the pandemic began. First, rising prices and supply chain issues with the import of raw materials made a negaEve impact. Second, not long a`er the COVID-19 breakout, food sales stalled due to local government plans for pandemic prevenEon and control. The public’s fear of the disease also created financial difficulEes for the Xiwang Food Company.

This research aimed to understand the elements that influence a company’s expansion behavior and mixed markeEng methods and employ matching strategies to ensure that goods and services can be introduced to the market appropriately and successfully. Provided in this study are the details of the findings. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, this essay concentrated on the Chinese food industry’s crisis management, product markeEng, and sustainable development strategies.

Keywords: crisis management, food industry, pandemic, strategy.

The Crisis Management Strategy of the Food Industry During a Pandemic: A Case Study of Xiwang Food Co., Ltd

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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