A study of the key factors on foreign tourists’ satisfaction at the Taling Chan Floating Market in Bangkok

Last modified: March 19, 2022
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Project Title: A study of the key factors on foreign tourists’ satisfaction at the Taling Chan Floating Market in Bangkok
Author: Mr. Lanh Danh
Advisor: Dr. Chen Chih Hung
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Hotel and Tourism Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2017


Lanh, Danh. (2017). A study of the key factors on foreign tourists’ satisfaction at the Taling Chan Floating Market in Bangkok. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Siam University.


In Bangkok, Taling Chan floating market is one of the main tourist destinations for not only Thai local people but also around the world. And tourism has become one of the main industries generating billions of dollars with double digit contribution in the total GDP of the many countries including Thailand. Understanding what drives satisfaction for a tourist is one of the most relevant areas of research for the tourism industry as satisfied tourists tend to transmit their positive experience to others and to repeat their visit. The literature reveals that the level of tourist satisfaction with a particular trip is the result of different factors which are generally assessed as a comparison between the tourist’s perception of the products and services he receives and the expectations generated before and during his trip. As a result of such interest, numerous studies have been carried out to measure the degree of tourist satisfaction, but very few papers have focused on analyzing the antecedents behind this variable and the possible relationships between them. In a highly competitive market, being able to offer an attractive tourist destination implies having a deep understanding of the motives that lead a tourist to choose one particular destination among all the alternatives;  the activities available to the tourist at the destination, and the degree of satisfaction with the product he receives. In this sense, the causal relationship between motivation, activities performed at destination, and tourist satisfaction have only been superficially discussed both conceptually and empirically.  This study, examined the key factors of tourist satisfaction at Taling Chan floating market in Bangkok. The relationship between the key factors of natural factors, cultural factors and shopping activities and foreign tourist satisfaction is affected to Taling Chan floating market in Bangkok. The international visitors in this study expressed high degrees of satisfaction with Taling Chan floating market.  the correlations of “Natural factors” that foreign tourists’ satisfaction at Taling Chan floating market in Bangkok and “Cultural Factors” that foreign tourists’ satisfaction at TalingChan floating market in Bangkok and “Shopping activities” that foreign tourists’ satisfaction at Taling Chan floating market in Bangkok descriptive statistic of foreign tourists satisfaction to analyze of average Mean and Standard Deviation describes.

The Pearson’s correlation analysis revealed that foreign tourists who visited at Taling Chan floating market in Bangkok concerning with their opinion to “Natural factors” that foreign tourists’ satisfaction at Taling Chan floating market in Bangkok  (r = 1,  p <.000), “Cultural Factors” that foreign tourists’ satisfaction at Taling Chan floating market in Bangkok (r =.050 p <.000), “Shopping activities” that foreign tourists’ satisfaction at Taling Chan floating market in Bangkok (r = .030, p <.000), were positively relationship with froeign tourists’ satisfaction statistical significance level of 0.01. It means the key factors of Natural, cultural and shopping activities are relationship with tourists’ satisfaction at Taling Chan floating market in Bangkok according to SPSS calculation in this research.  Taling Chan floating market gives a glimpse of Thai way of life of local community who live along these canals. One can see people use canal water for their daily use, growing plants and vegetation and using boats to sell local products. Alongside these canals, locals set up a market on weekends to sell recent products and earn their livelihood. In the study, they concluded that floating markets reflect farmers’ way of life, their social interactions and various products and services they can offer in the markets.

A study of the key factors on foreign tourists’ satisfaction at the Taling Chan Floating Market in Bangkok

International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand


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