Causal Factors Affecting Mobile Banking Services Acceptance by Customers in Thailand (SCOPUS)

Last modified: July 6, 2023
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Research Article: Causal Factors Affecting Mobile Banking Services Acceptance by Customers in Thailand
Author: Ampol Navavongsathian, Busaya Vongchavalitkul, Tanakorn Limsarun
Department/Faculty: Master of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok 10160
Published: The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, Volume 7 Issue 11 / Pages.421–428 / 2020


Navavongsathian, A., Vongchavalitkul, B., Limsarun, T. (2020). Causal factors affecting mobile banking services acceptance by customers in Thailand. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7(11), 421–428.


The study investigates the causal factors affecting mobile banking services acceptance by customers in Thailand. This study employs quantitative research methodology and non-probability sampling to draw 400 mobile banking users from the population who are the mobile banking users of commercial banks in Thailand. The online questionnaires were used as a research tool to collect data with the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient as 0.931. By using the structural equation model to analyze data, the results have shown that service quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, safety in use, and social factors influenced mobile banking services acceptance by customers in Thailand.By checking the harmony with the statistics χ2 = 108.618, df. = 86, χ2/df. = 1.263, p-value = .050, CMIN/DF =1.263, GFI = .989, AGFI=.962, TLI= .962, CFI = .976, RMSEA = .037,along with testing the weight factor. In conclusion, the research model was found to be harmonious with the empirical data at the significance level 0.05. The findings of this study suggest that the commercial banks should apply this research to understand the acceptance behavior of mobile banking users, also to determining marketing strategies, identifying opportunities and creating a competitive advantage for their services in the future.

Keywords: Mobile Banking, Service Acceptance, Expectancy, Safety.

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Graduate Schools of Master of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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