Internship on commercial bank of Nepal

Last modified: July 20, 2021
Estimated reading time: 1 min
Project Title: Internship on commercial bank of Nepal
Author: Mrs. Kshiyila Bhattarai
Advisor: Dr. Yutthana Srisavat
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Finance and Banking
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2017


Bhattarai, Kshiyila. (2017). Internship on commercial bank of Nepal. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


The internship is conducted at NMB Bank. The main purpose of this internship is for student to make familiar with the real banking scenario. The internship program plays a vital role for the student to implement their theoretical knowledge in practical world. This report contains overall banking activities of all commercial Bank of Nepal. This report mainly focuses on the customer service department of NMB bank. The scope of this report is limited to the overall description of the bank, services and its position in the Nepalese Market.

There are nearly 800 staff members who are working for NMB. The bank focuses on giving services to the customer promptly. Throughout my internship tenure, I had worked under customer service department at Sitapaila branch.

Internship at NMB has been one of the most significant internship experience that I have ever has, as this internship opportunity has helped me to analyse my internal strength and weakness and developed me professionally. This experience taught me importance of personal relationship and consequently, helped to develop inter personal relationship skills.

Keywords:  Finance, Customer Satisfaction, Communication.

Internship on commercial bank of Nepal

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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