Research Influence of Cosmetics IWOM on Remale Consumer’s Purchase Intention

Last modified: February 20, 2022
Estimated reading time: 2 min
Project Title: Research Influence of Cosmetics IWOM on Remale Consumer’s Purchase Intention
Author: Ji Mei Huang
Advisor: Ass. Professor Shun-Chieh Chang
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: International Master of Business Administration
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2017


Ji, Mei Huang. (2017). Research influence of cosmetics IWOM on remale consumer’s purchase intention. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Siam University.


With the popularization and application of Internet and the coming of network economic era, shopping online has already became an indispensable part of people’s daily life, people are even more inclined toshop online because of its convenience, cheapness and variety.Cosmetics have also shaken off the traditional marketingmode.the market of online marketing is also gradually opening, and the importance is becoming increasingly apparent. With the development of online marketing of cosmetics, the influence of IWOM (Internet Word-of-Mouth) on consumers’ willingness to purchase is increasing. The evaluation of products online is the main basis for consumers to make purchase decisions. IWOM marketing has become a very popular marketing tool. Different from the traditional marketing word-of-mouth, internetword-of-mouth spread on the Internet faster, more detailed content, and internet word-of-mouth information is more convenient, fast and rich. But the credibility of internetword-of-mouth is not 100 percent. How can consumers buy cosmetics online to absorb these information, and what factors affect their purchase intention?

In this paper, through the research on the impact of WOM on consumer’s purchase intentionat home and abroad and put forward its own research framework, and analysis of female cosmetics characteristics and consumer’s factors, through the design of questionnaire, theoretical model is established between female cosmetics IWOM and consumer’s purchase intention, build hypothesisand process questionnaire survey data, so as to find out the influence factors of TWOM on consumer’s purchase intention. The following conclusions are drawn: the number of IWOMhas a positive influence on consumer’s purchase intention information accuracy has a significant positive influence on consumer’s purchase intention: the correlation of female cosmetics has a positive influence on consumer’s purchase intention: positive IWOM hasa positive influence on consumer’s purchase intention: negativelWOM has a significant negative impact on consumer’s purchase intention; consumer’s purchase intention is inversely proportional to consumer’s monthly income level consumer spurchase intention is inversely proportional to the age of them: consumer’s purchase intention is inversely proportional to the level of education. As can be seen, consumer values the number of word-of-mouth. type and content of products when buying products.At the same time. consumer’s own factors are also very important to purchase intention. Different types of consumers have different views and acceptability ononline shopping and WOM.Therefore, as the competition of online cosmetics market becomes more and more intense. improving the number of positivel WOM and controlling the number of negative IWOM are important ways to improve competitiveness.

Keywords: Cosmetics, IWOM, Purchase intention.

Research Influence of Cosmetics IWOM on Remale Consumer’s Purchase Intention

International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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