Study on the Decision-Making Factors of Mobile Purchase-Ticket App Users: Taking Ctrip as an Example

Last modified: February 5, 2022
Estimated reading time: 2 min
Project Title: Study on the Decision-Making Factors of Mobile Purchase-Ticket App Users: Taking Ctrip as an Example
Author: Zihe Han
Advisor: Ass. Professor. Shun-Chieh Chang
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: International Master of Business Administration
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2017


Zihe, Han. (2017). Study on the decision-making factors of mobile purchase-ticket app users: taking ctrip as an example. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Master in Business Administration, Siam University.


Mobile purchase-ticket app is based on wireless network or 4G network, with more convenient equipment as the carrier. With the rapid development of Internet technology and smartphone, it has changed people’s way of life, changing from the former traditional purchase-ticket mode and online mode to the current mobile terminal network. In this study, through the combination of traditional Technology accept model and user’s needs, get our consumer purchasing decision – making factor, analyzes the overall changes of each consumer in the actual research process by means of quantitative analysis. In this paper, Ctrip enterprises as an example, through regression analysis to verify the user’s perception of mobile ticketing app usefulness, Perceived ease of use, User’s perceived risk,satisfaction and loyalty to using the app. By the results of the analysis, making the theoretical assumptions about these variables.

According to the results of the study, female attach more importance to ease of use and usefulness than male, while mail are more focused on loyalty and satisfaction than female. From the educational background, both bachelor degree or above score significantly higher than that of high school and below, indicating indicating the higher educated the purchasing decision ability will be stronger. From the level of income, the 5000-8000 Yuan group is more loyal purchase-ticket app’s usability and ease of use, income in the 2000 – 5000 Yuan group more pay attention to app purchase satisfaction, income in more than 8000 Yuan of group more pay attention to potential risk of products. Perceived usefulness and ease of use directly affect the user’s attitude and intention to use, which is higher and the user’s intention to use will be stronger. Satisfaction directly affects the user’s attitude, the user’s satisfaction is higher, the intention of the usage will be stronger. Perceived risk and the intention of usage of product loyalty have a positive effect, but the impact is not significant, so it is not an important factor affecting the user’s attitude.

Keywords: Mobile Purchase-ticket App, Purchase Decision, TAM; Ctrip Network.

Study on the Decision-Making Factors of Mobile Purchase-Ticket App Users: Taking Ctrip as an Example

International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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