Analyzing Consumer Behavior and Developing Strategies to Increase Customer Retention at Comfort Nepal Traders

Last modified: July 6, 2022
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Project Title: Analyzing Consumer Behavior and Developing Strategies to Increase Customer Retention at Comfort Nepal Traders
Author: Shayesha Sthapit
Advisor: Dr. Srisuda Chongsipithol
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2021


Sthapit, Shayesha. (2021). Analyzing consumer behavior and developing strategies to increase customer retention at Comfort Nepal Traders. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This report summarizes my 16 weeks of internship at Comfort Nepal Traders which is the authorized national distributor for Jockey Nepal. The objective of the study includes (1) to analyze the consumer behavior in the market, (2) to learn the alignment of the financial numbers, (3) to develop customer retention and satisfaction strategies in order to increase profit. I worked as an Assistant Data Analyst Intern under the Research & Development at Comfort Nepal traders. My main responsibilities during the internship was to use ERP Software for billing and Customer Relationship Management, field visit to retail outlets of Jockey, data analysis of customer purchase, managing stock under the company, data entry of card holding customers, preparing VCTS (Vehicle and Consignment Tracking System), for the company’s delivery vans, keeping track of sales and purchases in a register and assembling orders while considering the tagging and billings of several parties. It also focuses on problems such as customer behavior, retention, and strategy to increase customer retention and loyalty, as well as some of the more basic issues such as difficulty understanding the company’ s work and culture, as well as the solutions that were developed to solve them. I received knowledge in both the Finance and Marketing departments during my internship because I was able to work in both. For me, the internship program was a learning and development experience. I was able to acquire and apply skills such as time management, communication, and self-confidence, as well as constructive criticism and consistent hard work is important for the future development.

Keywords: Consumer behavior, Customer retention, Internship, Research, Strategies.

Analyzing Consumer Behavior and Developing Strategies to Increase Customer Retention at Comfort Nepal Traders

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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