Challenges facing human resources succession planning in the Philippine work organizations

Last modified: February 19, 2020
Estimated reading time: 1 min
Project Title: Challenges facing human resources succession planning in the Philippine work organizations
Author: Miss Mao Feiyu
Advisor: Ass. Professor. Qiu chao
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: International Business Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2016


Mao, Feiyu. (2016). Challenges facing human resources succession planning in the Philippine work organizations. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.


This study is focused on looking into the factors that affect human resource succession planning in the Philippine work force setting, both in the private and public organizations. It aims to set objectives for a beleaguered Philippine human resource management. The objectives of the study are

1.To assess the extent of human resource planning activities in the Philippine work organizations; 2.To
examine the challenges that faces human resource succession planning in the Philippine work organizations; 3.To identify the positive factors influencing human resources succession planning in the Philippine work organizations; 4.To suggest strategies that could influence the application of succession planning in Philippine work organizations.

Research method is quantitative research method.Research instrument is questionnaire. Quantitative strategy was applied on data analysis, specifically statistical package for social sciences. Questionnaires used for data gathering were both structured and unstructured questionnaires.The sixty company leaders were selected from the thirteen Philippine companies both from the public and private organizations.

The result is some of the surveyed organizations had succession planning in place but how effective and regularly implemented in the organizations remained questionable. The study proved that succession planning remains to be an important factor in the organization’s development.Therefore, all organizations, whether local or private must understand the importance of human resource succession planning to their viability. The study has likewise noted strategies that were being used by organizations to attract/recruit potential employees.

Promote effective leadership,develop potential managers and improve the organization’s budget.
Further, the study has given some recommendations to improve succession planning, including management ’ s commitment and maintaining an informed work force who values human resource.

Keywords:  Human Resources, Succession Planning.

Challenges facing human resources succession planning in the Philippine work organizations

International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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