Export business’s income and expenses audit

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Project Title  :  Export business’s income and expenses audit
By                   :  Wacharee Manadee, Warunee Sriprasoed, Mr.Itthisak Rattanakijyon
Advisor          :  Mr.Itthisak Rattanakijyon
Degree           :  Bachelor of  Business Administration
Major             :  Accounting
Faculty          :  Business Administration
Semester / Academic year   :  3 /2015


Kamol Bavorn Audit Office Co.,Ltd has been providing auditing service in the area of account auditing, standard auditing of fiscal year, account auditing systems and other taxes.
Audit programs, a tool for creation of audit plan and control, consists of purpose of each area audit, auditing method, audit technique, and definition of audit framework and others. This audit programs helps in the process which achieves audit evidence that will help the auditor to determine the framework of audit by comparing contradictory data and falsify key information so that the standard of audit is formed.
Product teams recognized the important of audit income and expenses, so we have studies this project following the Co-operative Education project under the topic “Export business’s income and expenses audit”
By joining this cooperative education project, Product team learned the nature and importance of the audit work and are able to apply knowledge and experiences gained for practical operation in accounting profession. This study will also yield benefits for others who might take this project as a guideline for their own studies in the future.


Keywords:  Audit programs, Audit income and expenses, Accounting professions.

Export business’s income and expenses audit

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Thailand

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