Operation management & marketing practices at Captain Outdoors Pvt. Ltd

Last modified: December 12, 2021
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Project Title: Operation management & marketing practices at Captain Outdoors Pvt. Ltd
Author: Mr. Yuzen Amatya
Advisor: Dr. Chanatip Suksai
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2020


Amatya, Yuzen. (2020). Operation management & marketing practices at Captain Outdoors Pvt. Ltd. Bangkok: Siam University.


This cooperative report entitled ‘Operation management & marketing practices at Captain Outdoors Pvt. Ltd’ has the goals to examine the use of Concepts and Creative Designs for Branding. The main goal of this report is are: to apply the theoretical knowledge in practical business world and gain experience, to learn the ways to deal the organizational problems, to get an insight concerning how the organization functions. I was assigned to work as a creative advisor in the branding department, with the main responsibilities are to understand the need and want of the brands and provide solutions accordingly and to analyze the brand and provide new ideas for brand identity via visual contents, logos, presentations and so on. I was also assigned to design hand washing stations for various companies for the brands to reach their organizational objective.

Upon the completion of the internship, it was found that the problem was resolved by the means of research concerning the concerning brand and its competitors. In this matter, students are able to learn more about the branding market scenario of Nepalese market and apply the theoretical knowledge in the practical world, which is very important for future career development and profession.

Keywords: comprehensive, branding, and acclimatization

Operation management & marketing practices at Captain Outdoors Pvt. Ltd

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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