Revolutionizing Thailand’s rural healthcare and mental health illness treatments through telemedicine – video conferencing

Last modified: January 26, 2020
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Project Title: Revolutionizing Thailand’s rural healthcare and mental health illness treatments through telemedicine – video conferencing
Author: Mr. Michael Slater
Advisor: Dr. Tanakorn Limsarun
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Information Technology
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2019


Slater, Michael. (2019). Revolutionizing Thailand’s rural healthcare and mental health illness treatments through telemedicine – video conferencing. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.


This study is focused on providing background information of the general population in rural areas of Thailand, various parts of overall healthcare and mental illness when used in terms of telemedicine. The research will also show how the different components of telemedicine technologies can revolutionize the way healthcare coverage can be transposed throughout rural areas in Thailand and revolutionize the way healthcare is provided. For the past few decades, Thailand’s intention has been to require the physical presence of medical personnel in rural and less urbanized locations across all provinces. By utilizing these technologies, it will still be possible to provide better access to treatments and care while allowing old and new doctors to maintain their plans to create grounding points wherever they choose to reside. Through proper planning, development, marketing, and security, the country’s goals can be achieved, and positive patient-doctor relationships can be developed. Patients can receive health and mental care in the comfort of familiar surrounds while doctors can maintain their normal working hours and providing their free time hold appointments through video conferencing and continue grow their consumer base while gaining further knowledge, experience, and abilities.

Keywords: Telemedicine, Healthcare, Mental Illness, Security.

Revolutionizing Thailand’s rural healthcare and mental health illness treatments through telemedicine – video conferencing

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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