Analysis of Food Delivery during COVID-19 Pandemic at Foodmandu

Last modified: December 19, 2021
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Project Title: Analysis of Food Delivery during COVID-19 Pandemic at Foodmandu
Author: Mr. Niraat Neupane
Advisor: Dr. Somruedee Thaiphanit
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2020


Neupane, Niraat. (2020). Analysis of food delivery during COVID-19 pandemic at Foodmandu. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This Cooperative Report entitled “Analysis of Food Delivery during COVID-19 Pandemic at Foodmandu” highlights details on how most of the people have started preferring online delivery rather than dining in the restaurant due to the fear of COVID-19. The internship has been conducted in “Foodmandu” as the university requirement. The major objectives of the internship are: (1) to analyze the safety protocols while delivering food, (2) to study customer relationship management, (3) to study app and website handling as well as collecting several data about various restaurants/hotels and to analyze it. Throughout my internship period, I got to explore and learn several things about Foodmandu. The customer service of Foodmandu is excellent; they handle the customer complaints very efficiently (By solving the issues within a few minutes) and treat each and every customer whether he/she is loyal or new in the same manner. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, Foodmandu did not stop, they launched Foodmandu Fresh which focused on groceries and ensured safe delivery to the customers.

I have already realized that Foodmandu is a brand itself. They have already completed 10 years yet still they are not satisfied; they want to improve in each and every other department. If they increase the geographical market even further, surely the brand can reach a further new milestone.

Keywords:  Customer Relationship Management, App and Website Handling, Foodmandu Fresh, Geographical Market.

Analysis of Food Delivery during COVID-19 Pandemic at Foodmandu

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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