Developing Sales and Marketing Strategies for Pranam International

Last modified: August 6, 2022
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Project Title: Developing Sales and Marketing Strategies for Pranam International
Author: Ms. Amy Sherchan
Advisor: Mr. Kavin Katanyutaveetip
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) (International Program)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2021


Sherchan, Amy. (2021). Developing sales and marketing strategies for Pranam International. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This Cooperative report entitled “developing sales and marketing strategies for pranam international” incorporates details on the research done on various aspects required by the company to increase their social media presence. The objective of the report includes 1) To know the about the importance of social media in today’s world 2) Providing individuals with access to a world-class brand 3) Providing tyres that are high-performance and standardized 4) Educating clients on the importance of safety features
Through this internship period, the goal was to know the sales strategies for business, and I attained a very good insight into how the company operates at all levels, especially the immense amount of research required in every aspect of the company. My main responsibilities were to assist in researching social media reach, content generation and designs for the company. Along, with other challenging tasks like, making research reports, managing Facebook, using social sprout and Google calendars to manage content posting, updating Facebook on a regular basis, dealing with our suppliers.

As the completion of my internship was nearing, I found that there were many obstacles in the way but were able to overcome them by providing valuable suggestions with the knowledge I’ve acquired during my bachelor’s. However, if the company can push brand-building activities, I believe that the company can get saturated in the market in a few years to come.

Keywords: marketing, strategies, digital, sales.

Developing Sales and Marketing Strategies for Pranam International

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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