Inventory and supply chain management at Harisiddhi constructions PVT LTD

Last modified: December 16, 2021
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Project Title: Inventory and Supply chain management at Harisiddhi constructions pvt ltd.
Author: Mr. Ashutosh Dhanju
Advisor: Dr. Chutimavadee Thongjeen
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2020


Dhanju, Ashutosh. (2020). Inventory and supply chain management at Harisiddhi constructions PVT LTD. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This Cooperative report entitled “Inventory and supply chain management at Harisidhhi construction” has the goal to examine the work culture, daily operational activities and regular flow of materials without any obstacles in the company. Objective of the study includes: (1) To make required materials available in the company to meet the needs. (2) To check inventory regularly so that it don’t get over or under stock. (3) To handle daily operations of the company like handling documents, banking sectors, paying installments and supervising the workers. With the company I attained very good insights on how the company operates. I was responsible to make products available in the garage and check the balance of stocks. I was also responsible to handle bank transactions and pay the bills of the workers. Between all these, I always tried to maintain clear communication and good relation between the workers and the owner. There are many small loopholes which are being a cost factor for the company. For eg: location of warehouse. Upon the completion of the internship, I hope these problem will be resolved and the company will grow in near future.

Keywords: Inventory supervision, Product availability, financial transactions, warehouse management.

Inventory and Supply chain management at Harisiddhi constructions pvt ltd.

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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