Landscape of mobile wallets in Nepal

Last modified: July 23, 2021
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Project Title: Landscape of mobile wallets in Nepal
Author: Ms. Priyanka Shakya
Advisor: Dr.Parham Porouhan
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2017


Shakya, Priyanka. (2017). Landscape of mobile wallets in Nepal. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This report is based on a 3-month internship at CG Corp Global in Nepal. The 3-month internship is a part of a BBA curriculum at SIAM University entitled as “Cooperative Educational Report”. CG Pay Nepal is a mobile payment service within Nepal. CG Corp Global is soon launching this product (CG Pay) in the market with the hope of being the leader in establishing and developing mobile payment business in Nepal.

The internship was a research project with the help of the CG Pay Team of the organization. The main motive of the research was to find out the current scenario of mobile wallets in Nepal. This research included responses from the existing competitors, the major merchants, agents and the consumers. This report hence, exhibits the required outcomes examined by the supervisor, the method of research, findings and leanings throughout this internship. The main challenge here was to know how CG Pay can segregate itself from other competitors and create value to the customers. As said earlier, the research contains interactions with the competitors, merchants, agents and the customers; this report also contains some suggestions on how CG Pay can foster itself to be the market leader in this industry.

Throughout this internship, there were many challenges and limitations I faced in order to complete the research, but the organizational culture and real world experience that I gained was worth all the difficulties. I believe the interpersonal and intellectual knowledge gained through this internship will help me reach my goal.

Keywords:  Mobile Wallet, Merchants, Agents, Awareness, Technology, Digital Transaction.

Landscape of Mobile Wallets in Nepal

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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