Maintaining Customer Relationship and Marketing during Covid-19 Pandemic at New Annapurna Jyasa Pasa Pvt Ltd

Last modified: December 17, 2021
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Project Title: Maintaining Customer Relationship and Marketing during Covid-19 Pandemic at New Annapurna Jyasa Pasa Pvt Ltd
Author: Mr. Karish Ratna Shakya
Advisor: Assistant Professor Dr. Suraphol Srivithaya
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2020


Shakya, Karish Ratna. (2020). Maintaining customer relationship and marketing during Covid-19 Pandemic at New Annapurna Jyasa Pasa Pvt Ltd. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This internship report entitled “Maintaining Customer Relationship and Marketing during Covid19 at New Annapurna Jyasa Pasa Pvt Ltd” focuses on my experiences which I had encountered, activities performed, challenges faced during that period, limitations and most importantly the detail study of the organization (marketing practices and customer relationship management).

The main objective for this report includes i) To learn, enhance, utilize and experience the theoretical skills that I learned in classes in professional settings ii) To evaluate organization’s research efforts to maintaining customer relationship iii) To evaluate the organization’s promotional and marketing activities. This report exhibits the learnings, knowledge application, limitation faced during the internship period as intern in Marketing Department.  Under the supervision of the Managing Director of the company I was given various tasks such as maintain records, uploading contents on social media, assisting in virtual information session and assisting in organizing virtual test preparation classes were some of the tasks assigned by my supervisor which helped me gain and strengthens my multi-tasking skills, coordinating and communication skills under any situations.

I was assigned to work as an intern in the Sales and Marketing department with the company. My main responsibilities were related to development of marketing strategies, research maintaining customer relationship and also inventory management. Also, I got the opportunity to apply my theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge through various subjects such as organizational management, English usage for profession, principles of marketing which were relatively in useful in the practically.

Maintaining Customer Relationship and Marketing during Covid-19 Pandemic at New Annapurna Jyasa Pasa Pvt Ltd

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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