Marketing Research on Apple Inc in Chinese Market

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Project Title: Marketing Research on Apple Inc in Chinese Market
Author: Ming Lu
Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Ching-Fang Chi
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: International Master of Business Administration
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2017


Ming, Lu. (2017). Marketing research on Apple Inc in Chinese market. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Siam University.


Over the years, with the rapid development of China’s economy, people’s life quality and level has been largely improved and the mobile phone changes from a simple communication tool to a tool integrating office, social contact, entertainment and life and has new requirements in appearance, function, price and other aspects. Only with time interval of 10 years, the very expensive mobile phone that is only used by high-income families in the past and now has become a “toy” per person. China’s mobile phone market has undergone one cycle of rapid upgrading, rapid development and rapid decline.

Because of too many “cheap copy” in China, the competition in China’s mobile phone market is extremely fierce. Foreign brands such as “Motorola”, “NOKIA” and so on are all hot from the beginning to fade away from the market. But in such a competition pressure, there is still a brand to stand out from the United States to enter China’s mobile phone market, and set off a crazy trend with no recession now in China. This is the famous iPhone mobile phone series, from iPhone 1 with small crowd of customers, iPhone4 as everyone knows to iPhone 4S with national panic buying. In recent years, contrary to many mobile phone brands in Chinese mobile phone market, its sales volume has been increasing substantially, occupying 30% of Chinese mobile phone market. This result is closely related with marketing strategy and implementation of Apple mobile phone in addition to its technology, innovation, appearance and so on.

Based on the basic theory of marketing, this thesis analyzes the development and history of China’s mobile phone market and the marketing of iPhone mobile phone through Apple Inc’s background, development process, characteristics of iPhone mobile phone, regular marketing strategy and SWOT analysis. Then it analyzes the special marketing strategy of iPhone and summarizes the characteristics of its implementation to summarize the learning experience for domestic enterprises in order to improve the core competitiveness of the domestic mobile phone brand in the world.

Keywords: Marketing strategy, iPhone executive force, Core competitiveness.

Marketing Research on Apple Inc in Chinese Market

International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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