My Stint at Sarvayoni Investment Pvt. Ltd. as an Intern

Last modified: July 24, 2020
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Project Title: My Stint at Sarvayoni Investment Pvt. Ltd. as an Intern
Author: Iki Yang Rai
Advisor: Dr. Nattiga Silalai
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: International College
Semester / Academic year: 2/2018


Iki Yang Rai. (2018). My Stint at Sarvayoni Investment Pvt. Ltd. as an Intern. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This cooperative report entitled “My Stint at Sarvayoni Investment Pvt. Ltd. as an Intern” has the goals to study how a company like Sarvayoni Investment works. Objectives of the study include: (1) to get insight on how the two marketing and creative department function in harmony (2) to keep hold of old and also bring in new clients for Sarvayoni (3) to help carry out traditional and digital marketing campaigns for their clients as per their demand. I was assigned to work as a marketing intern in two simultaneous departments which were the marketing and creative department. The main responsibilities for the marketing department were to brainstorm, develop and carry out marketing campaigns for our clients in both traditional and digital aspects whereas in the creative department it was solely down to helping execute the campaigns by graphically designing ads and content.

Upon the completion of the internship, it was found that the problem was resolved by means of the guidance from supervisors and follow ups and constructive feedback from clients. In this matter, I was able to learn more about the working environment of a corporate setup and how to carry out meetings with clients and constantly following up on them which are very important for future career development and profession.

Keywords:  marketing executive, marketing campaign, department, creative designer, clients.

My Stint at Sarvayoni Investment Pvt. Ltd. as an Intern

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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