The factors that cause conflict to Thai and immigrant workers in refractory industry: Case study of Interfirebrick Refractory Co., Ltd

Last modified: October 22, 2019
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Project Title: The factors that cause conflict to Thai and immigrant workers in refractory industry: case study of Interfirebrick Refractory Co., Ltd
Author: Mr. Narit Rusmicharoen
Advisor: Dr.Teerachote Phongtaveewut
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: International Business
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2019


Narit Rusmicharoen. (2019). The factors that cause conflict to Thai and immigrant workers in refractory industry: Case study of Interfirebrick Refractory Co., Ltd. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.


This research aimed to study factors of stereotype idea, internal conflict and nationalism, which affect conflict by using data of a sample group to study the workers of Interfirebrick Refractory Co., Ltd. This samples group was 30 people of Thai and immigrant workers. In this research, questionnaires had been used to create data analysis by averages in percentage, standard deviation and hypotheses testing with regression analysis.

From the result of the research, it found that the majority of research participants were Thai workers, who had been an educational level at primary school and have been working for 8-10 years as junior staffs. For average data analysis of stereotype idea, it was in moderate level. For average data analysis of internal conflict and nationalism, there are in low level. And for analysis of factors of stereotype idea, internal conflict and nationalism, it found that the majority does not cause conflict, except for some items in stereotype idea, which are ideas of age and education.

Keywords: stereotype idea, internal conflict, nationalism, Interfirebrick Refractory CO., LTD.

The factors that cause conflict to Thai and immigrant workers in refractory industry: Case study of Interfirebrick Refractory Co., Ltd

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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