A study of effects on tourism satisfaction in Inle Lake, Myanmar

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Project Title: A study of effects on tourism satisfaction in Inle Lake, Myanmar
Author: Mr. Win Hlaing
Advisor: Dr. Tanakorn Limsarun
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Hotel Tourism and Service Business Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2019


Hlaing, Win. (2019). A study of effects on tourism satisfaction in Inle Lake, Myanmar. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.


The study was about one of Lake in Myanmar which is a heritage state and known as a floating village. The lake is the second largest, a major source of hydropower and included in the top 10 most popular tourist destinations in Myanmar. The lake is named Inle Lake and is well known for its unique biodiversity and culture. There have been problems between local peoples and hotel industry growth that cases damage to water quality and ecosystem which rapidly affects tourist satisfaction in Inle Lake. The objective of the study is to find the factors which are effecting on tourism satisfaction in Inle Lake and what kinds of factors are current challenges for local people and resident. The research aim to examine tourists’ and visitors’ need and want, and to scrutinize the benefits for local people by expanding the tourist industry. Documentary research format has been used for this study. To solve the current problems between business owners and local peoples’ the research suggested that Inle Lkae should be protected by improving local peoples’ and business owners’ knowledge about the area. This paper offers solutions to the problems between local peoples and business owners and a guide to improve tourism industry in Inle Lake.

Keywords: Demographic: Sustainable tourism: Tourism satisfaction: Inle Lake.

A study of effects on tourism satisfaction in Inle Lake, Myanmar

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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