*Pending รอไฟล์ Improving Business Event Management Myanmar Business Organization Center

Last modified: September 8, 2020
Estimated reading time: 2 min
Project Title: Improving Business Event Management Myanmar Business Organization Center
Author: Mr. Ye Win Ko
Advisor: Dr. Tanakorn Limsarun
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Hotel and Tourism Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2019


Conference Proceedings
National and International Academic Conference “Innovation and Management for Sustainability” 9-10 July 2020


Ko, Ye Win. (2019). Improving business event management Myanmar Business Organization Center. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.


This study analyzed event planning management of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI). and to evaluate the essential event development management of UMFCCI in Myanmar. UMFCCI represented and safeguarded the Myanmar Business community to develop market economy as well as to encourage competitiveness and readiness in the regional and international market. This research contributed on how to develop successful events at the UMFCCI dealing with event planning management, financial planning management and services planning management. The objective of this study was to develop the best quality of events and how to be a successful event that will encourage foreign business collaboration and relationships in Myanmar and to find effective event management at UMFCCI, which can inspire to be active participation. This study was based on documentary research of past data from various sources such as books, newspaper, journal, articles, magazines, and the main sources from internet website of UMFCCI and UMFCCI Facebook page to gather a wide-range and appropriate facts for the structured of this research. The results of this study pointed to those which factors that were important how to manage a successful event, and explain the skills and knowledge of professional event management.

Keywords: event management, event planning, financial planning, service planning.

Customer Behavior and Customer Satisfaction on True Click Life

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand


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