Analysis of Heilongjiang Baiyi Food Company’s Implementation of Modern Enterprise System

Last modified: August 28, 2022
Estimated reading time: 2 min
Project Title: Analysis of Heilongjiang Baiyi Food Company’s Implementation of Modern Enterprise System
Author: Mr. Li Yansong
Advisor: Associate Professor Dr. Chao Qiu
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: International Business Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2021


Conference Proceedings
2nd National and International Academic Conference “Innovation and Management for Sustainability” 15-16 December 2020


Li, Yansong. (2021). Analysis of Heilongjiang Baiyi Food Company’s implementation of modern enterprise system. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Siam University.


The report of the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that “we must strengthen the basic position of agriculture and take the path of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics.” The realization of agricultural modernization must not only develop China’s agriculture in accordance with the requirements of high yield, high quality, high efficiency, ecology, and safety, but also accelerate the industrialization of food and focus on cultivating leading food processing companies. To develop and grow food processing companies, they must optimize the internal control system of the company in order to achieve the standardization and scientific management of food processing and improve the level of business management.

Therefore, the study the operating conditions of food processing companies and its own problems in operation and management have important practical significance. Based on the existing research results and practice, this article attempt to use Heilongjiang Baiyi Food Company as an example to explore the outstanding problems in the establishment and practice of the internal management system of food processing companies.The research put forward targeted and operable suggestions to improve the business and management levels of the enterprise and promote the sustainable and healthy development of Heilongjiang Baiyi Food Company.

Keywords: Heilongjiang Baiyi Food Company, Enterprise management, Sustainable development.

Analysis of Heilongjiang Baiyi Food Company’s Implementation of Modern Enterprise System

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand


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