Research on Risk Management of Shanxi Bank and Its Enlightenment to Chinese Family Business Management

Last modified: February 4, 2021
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Project Title: Research on Risk Management of Shanxi Bank and Its Enlightenment to Chinese Family Business Management
Author: Mr. Pei Yu
Advisor: Dr. Li Zhang
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: International Business Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2020


Conference Proceedings
National and International Academic Conference “Innovation and Management for Sustainability” 9-10 July 2020


Pei, Yu. (2020). Research on risk management of Shanxi Bank and its enlightenment to Chinese family business management. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.


The main body of the paper is composed of three parts. In the first two parts, various organizational and management factors that influence the rise and fall of Shanxi Piao Hao are analyzed in terms of their development and decline. Then bring forward the theme of this article that the organizational and managing system was the determinant factors of the prosperity and decline of Shanxi Piao Hao and its experiences and lessons lend a helping hand to the enterprises of our time.

The first part mainly tells of the organizational system and managing mode which drove the development and prosperity of Shanxi Piao Hao it consisted of the organizing system of the ownership departing from the power of management. the capital firm of composing by the Yin-share and manpower-share, the human resources management system including high-level various, with elasticity distributing system and strict managing system, and the rigorous managing system. flexible running frame, and the enterprise culture of combining tightly with the Ru culture.

The second part mainly tells of the factors of management and organization which conduced the decline of Shanxi Piao Hao. The factors include the destruction of organizational system of the ownership departing from the power of management. The duties of the managers weren’t equal to their powers which induced that the managers abused their power to figure benefits for themself only but not to think over the benefit of the owners’. The paternalistic managing mode of Shanxi Piao Hao snafued out the innovative abilities in II Shanxi Piao Hao which made them losing many opportunities of development and resulting in Shanxi Piao Hao ’s final decline.

The third part mainly tells of the contrast analyses between the systems of Shanxi Piao Hao and the systems of the enterprises of the time. It sums up the experiences and the lessons of Shanxi Piao Hao to build up the organizational system and managing mode of enterprises with Chinese characteristics.

Finally, the paper summarizes the characteristics and lessons of Shanxi Piao Hao ‘s risk management, and used the method of historical comparison, combined with the current situation of modern family business management in China, and puts forward the reference significance of Shanxi Piao Hao to modern family business management in China from four aspects: one is to shape the family enterprise culture with Chinese characteristics; the other is to improve the governance structure of family business; the third is to build an all-round and diversified way; The fourth is to actively carry out the spiritual inheritance of family enterprises.

Keywords: Shanxi Piao Hao, Family Enterprises, Professional Manager, Incentive Mechanism.

Research on Risk Management of Shanxi Bank and Its Enlightenment to Chinese Family Business Management

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand


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