Understand the women behavior in Nepal to target the telecom offerings for them

Last modified: August 28, 2020
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Project Title: Understand the women behavior in Nepal to target the telecom offerings for them
Author: Smita Dahal
Advisor: Ms. Yhing Sawheny
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: International College
Semester / Academic year: 2/2019


Dahal, Smita. (2019). Understand the women behavior in Nepal to target the telecom offerings for them. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This internship is conducted at Ncell private limited, which is a first company to operate private GSM services in telecommunication sector of Nepal. The main reason to join this company was to learn and gain a proper knowledge about market research, effective tools to gather market information, how the telecommunication service works and different ways of customer care. As Ncell is a leading telecommunication company in Nepal, I had no better option than to join this company and gain exposure about telecommunication and its services. The main objective of this study is to understand the women behavior, their daily lifestyle, the problems faced by them due to telecommunication in Nepal to target the telecom offerings for them. My duty in the company was to conduct a research through survey using qualitative method, keep records of the information and data and make a proper report out of it, and finally submit it to my supervisor weekly. As I had to submit my report in the end of every week, I was given a to-do list for every day. This research helped me in every way possible to groom myself as it helped me gain more exposure, taught me about how the real business world actually works, made me more capable and patient and also improved my interaction skills. With the help of this research, not only me, but it also helped company know their status in the market, where they lack and their field of improvement. In the beginning of my internship, I faced few problems as it was my first time working for a company. Later, I successfully could solve the problems with the help and guidance of my supervisor throughout the internship period. The key factors for Ncell to target offerings for women in Nepal are Telecommunication, Women, Survey and Marketing.

Keywords: Telecommunication, Women, Survey, Marketing.

Understand the women behavior in Nepal to target the telecom offerings for them

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand


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