The Role of Management Information Systems Towards Maritime Logistics Management in Myanmar

Last modified: March 31, 2022
Estimated reading time: 2 min
Project Title: The Role of Management Information Systems Towards Maritime Logistics Management in Myanmar
Author: Mr. Pyae Sone Ko
Advisor: Dr. Tanakom Limsarun
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Strategic IT (Technology and Innovation Management)
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2021
International Conference on Economics, Business and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICEBIS 2021), Siam University, on 18 March 2022


Ko, Pyae Sone. (2021). The role of management information system towards maritime logistics management in Myanmar. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Master of Business Administration Siam University.


Maritime transportation is a major mode of transportation and trade and Maritime logistics management is crucial for the nation to develop the economy. Better logistics management can reduce trade costs, help nations to compete globally and increase the competitive advantage as logistics is the backbone of the trade. Myanmar needs to improve its Maritime logistics industry for the country’s economic growth as Asia becomes the focal point for economic growth, trade, and geopolitical transformation. Procedures for logistics management and port cargo handling in Myanmar are currently done by the conventional paperwork, making significant delays and economic loss for the nation. Myanmar’s Ministry of Transport and Japan cooperated and implemented the Port EDI System in Yangon Port. However, other ports of Myanmar are still lacking the information system to manage the maritime logistics processes and have negative effect on Maritime Logistics Management, Maritime Pilots and Maritime Security.

The research investigated how Port EDI System of Yangon Port has benefited the port operation and maritime logistics industry of Myanmar. Based on the benefits and experiences of Yangon’s Port EDI System, implementation of Management Information System is suggested. The research also highlighted possible benefits of implementing the system for maritime pilots, reducing corruption and maritime security. In addition, the research has recommended the implementation of National Single Window (NSW) System by integrating the various information systems and other stakeholders concerned based on the experiences of Japan, Korea, and Singapore.

Keywords: Management Information System (MIS), Maritime Logistics Management, Port EDI System, Myanmar.

The Role of Management Information Systems Towards Maritime Logistics Management in Myanmar

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand


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